Cross-Town Connector Improvement Project
The Cross-Town Connector is a roadway connection between east and west Fort Dodge. The project is an initiative of the City’s 2008 Downtown Plan, which identified the need to enhance accessibility to and throughout the downtown via a realignment that would bring traffic closer to the heart of downtown, and create a direct access to the Eastside Commercial District.

The first phase of the Cross-Town Connector was constructed in 2014-2015 and consisted of the realignment, 1st Avenue South roadway and infrastructure improvements, and the 6th Street roundabout feature. The second phase was constructed in 2016 and consisted of 1st Avenue South roadway and infrastructure improvements, and the 6th Street roundabout feature. The total project was $8.4 million, which was funded using a variety of State (RISE, I-JOBS, U-STEP), and Local (Road, LOST, TIF, SSMID, and JT) funds.
This public investment has spurred private investment and interest in the City’s downtown, with some pre-assembled lots available for development. The project continues east along 1st Avenue South through additional roadway and infrastructure improvements in the Eastside Retail District, and the development of the Cross-Town Industrial Park.
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