- City of Fort Dodge Statement on Equal Opportunity
- Envision 2030 Strategic Plan 2011 Update
2011 Update of Envision 2030 Plan
Over the next few months, City of Ft. Dodge residents will be sharing their ideas on how to continue making the City of Ft. Dodge the best place in America to live, work, stay and play for the next 20+ years. This community visioning and planning project is designed to gather input from the city's 25,000+ residents, as well as input from county, regional, and state leaders. Our goal is to involve and engage residents in planning the city's future. With broad-based citizen input it is possible to develop a vision for
The visioning effort will include one-on-one meetings, community focus group meetings, surveys, and research about the City of
The first phase began in fall of 2006 with interviews and collecting research data about the City of
The third phase includes the development of recommendations based from generated data. A draft of the report will be provided for public information and comments. Revisions will be made after a period of public comment and the final report will be published and made available to the public.
The vision for the community will be developed based on the most prevalent ideas that emerge from the community meetings and other informational sources.